
You don’t have to be a professional designer to give your home a polished appearance. You simply have to follow a few interior decorating principles and your home will soon outshine even your highest expectations.

A Focal Point for the Room
Any room in your home will make you and guests feel comfortable if the eyes can rest on a focal point. Whether it is a piece of furniture, a color scheme or a collection of items, design the rest of the room around the main feature. A focal point might also be window treatments, a fireplace or built in bookshelves.

Mix it Up
When patterned fabrics are mixed with color coordinated prints you can really bring the look of a room together with a little know how. The colors in the background should match when you want to coordinate a pattern such as all white, ivory or any other color you favor. Be sure that the background color is repeated in your pattern and include a variety of sizes for the pattern. You can even add fabrics that are textured for a more interesting appearance.

Accessorizing the Room
A treat for the eyes can be a wire French ribbon that you tie to the base of a lamp to add a splash of color. Add braid to lampshade edges using a glue gun. Antique or interesting plates can be hung on the walls and can be connected using decorative, color coordinated ribbon or lace. For great results when hanging your favorite photos, find a way to join them together. Use frames that are similar in style. You can also have the pictures scanned in black and white or sepia so that you can unite photographs from different eras to make a subtle or bold statement.

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